Yesterday I went out and bought a large number of apples. Who could resist? They were 49c per kg at the local green grocer and were in pretty good condition. So I may have bought 3kg...or 4.....
Now what to do with them?
I've put aside 2kg of them into the fridge for snacks this week as my girls are apple mad. In fact, given the choice between cupcakes and apples, they'd choose the apples.
I'm still left with 1.5kg. Last week I made my own dehydrated apple chips using a recipe from Frugal Kiwi. They were an instant hit with both children. This week, I've decided to use 4 of the apples to make some applesauce for Toto, who loves his sweeties. The rest, will be used to make fruit leather, which I've always had a hankering for making myself.
So I've found a recipe from NZ Eco Chick and am going to try it tomorrow. I'll post up some pictures of how it goes!
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