Sunday, 14 July 2013

Exploration Baskets

What is Heuristic Play?

Heuristic play is a term that was introduced in the 1980s by child psychologist Elinor Goldshmeid. In a nutshell, it allows babies and toddlers to explore the properties of a range of objects in everyday life. The objects are from real life (not the plasticy purpose-designed toys we buy from shops).
Heuristic play allows children to engage all of their senses in a rich learning activity. They are able to make decisions about what object to explore further,
I'm a big believer in Heuristic play through treasure baskets and sensory bins. Up until now, I've not given Toto organised playtime, just allowing him to explore the world around him as he learns to move around the house. But now it is time. I'm secretly jiggling with excitement!
Here is Toto looking through his first exploration basket:

What is the Adult's Role in Explorative Play?

The role of the adult is to give their full attention to the baby during this playtime. You are there to extend them if necessary, but primarily remain as unobtrusive as possible. An exploration basket should never be available 24/7, as this does not encourage baby to fully engage in the activity. I like to bring the exploration basket out 2-3 times a week for no more than 15 or 20 minutes at a time. This means that baby will not bore of the objects in the basket, and are given free time to explore at their own speed.

What Baby Learns

make choices
how objects feel, taste, sound like, and look like
develop concentration/attention span
how to pick up / move an object
developing fine motor skills
strengthening hand muscle tone
object manipulation - pushing, pulling, up/down, in/out, scrunching, tapping, shaking, etc
and lots more......


What Objects Can I Use?

Paper/cardboard - egg cartons, boxes, books
Metal - large screws, measuring cups, teaspoons, curtain ring, tea strainer, whisk,
bells, small bowl, jar lids
Textile/Fabric - cloth book, small teddy, leather, knitted toy, ball of wool, bags of herbs/lavender,
ribbons, feathers, carpet pieces
Natural Objects - pinecones, raffia, wooden blocks, wooden spoon, flower, driftwood,
loofah, large stones, sheepskin, wooden beads, rope, coconut shell, etc
And many more!!

How do I Organise Them?

You can put them in the basket/bowl according to type of material or choose a theme. This week, our theme is "kitchen objects" so Toto is exploring teaspoons (metal and plastic), whisks, measuring cups, rubber pastry brush, cardboard boxes, etc.
What do you think you could use?


Unknown said...

Looks like fun! I should start introducing something like that for Blake although he already raids my kitchen utensils by himself as it is. I'm still looking for my metal spatula!

Homemade in NZ said...

Yes, we've had a few things go missing as Miss 4 and Miss 3 have squirreled them away! This week we are doing a "wooden" theme.

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